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Title Revealing A Phony Galaxy S22 Ultra Introducing The Deceptiveness
Title Revealing A Phony Galaxy S22 Ultra Introducing The Deceptiveness
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Joined: 2024-06-23
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Hi guys, welcome back to an additional video clip from Huge Jeffries. Today, I will certainly be diving right into the globe of imitation smartphones by analyzing a Galaxy S22 Ultra duplicate I purchased from AliExpress. Priced at just $123 for broken iphone screen the 256GB design with 8GB of RAM, this phone is, of course, not a genuine Samsung device. Nevertheless, the inquiry remains: can this knockoff opponent the huge brand names, or is there more to uncover?





Initial Impressions





The phone is promoted with excellent specs, including 16-megapixel video cameras, a 6,800 mAh battery, and a 10-core MediaTek 6889 processor. It also promises a function referred to as "Rubik's Dice modern technology." Captivated by these insurance claims, I bought one to see for myself. Nevertheless, who wouldn't want a phone with Rubik's Dice technology?





Upon arrival, the phone can be found in a plain black box identified S22 Ultra. Inside, I located the phone, a flimsy S Pen that doesn't fit inside the device, a clear instance, a spare display guard, a lightweight and dubious battery charger, a USB-C cord, earphones, a SIM adapter, and a guidebook. The addition of a headphone jack was a pleasurable surprise, yet the exaggerated claim of 32 million video cameras was clearly just a translation error-- or was it?





Inspecting the Specifications





Transforming the phone on, I headed straight to the "Concerning Phone" section. Having come across fake specifications in various other Chinese phones, I was unconvinced.





Before diving deeper, I made a decision to examine the finger print scanner. Setting it up was straightforward, but when it came to unlocking the phone, any type of finger-- and even a knuckle-- functioned. It came to be clear that the phone did not have a genuine fingerprint scanner; it merely bypassed the lock screen when you touched the marked area.





Taking A Look At Pre-installed Applications





I was curious concerning the pre-installed applications like Facebook, Netflix, and TikTok. An odd message in the TikTok setups declaring the application would certainly not infringe on user rate of interests increased my uncertainties.





The sketchiness really did not end there. The internet browser app, disguised as Google Chrome, requested authorizations to take images, record audio, and access get in touches with. Declining these permissions collapsed the app, further sealing my mistrust.





Discovering the Truth





Figured out to discover the truth, I used Quick Faster way Maker to discover covert applications. It really did not take lengthy to discover an app by King Send out Time named "Gadget Details." Opening it disclosed the genuine specs: a MediaTek MT-6580 processor from 2016, Android 8.1, a 480p screen, 1GB of RAM, and 8GB of storage-- much from the promoted specifications.





Another app, "Change Application" by KST, enabled me to modify the device's presented specifications. This application is made use of by scammers to fake the phone's requirements, making it appear much more effective than it is. With a few faucets, I transformed the phone right into an "S40 Ultra" with ludicrous specs, though these modifications were purely aesthetic.





Exploring Even more





Digging much deeper, I discovered that the phone's IMEI number matched that of a real Galaxy S22 Ultra, suggesting they likely duplicated a legit IMEI. This fraud reached the hardware; opening the phone disclosed that three of the four electronic cameras were fake. The real battery capacity was around 2,200 mAh, a plain 32% of the marketed 6,800 mAh.





Reassembly and Conclusion





After documenting the real requirements and taking a good appearance inside, I reassembled the phone. Regardless of its outward appearance, this gadget is a testament to misleading advertising and marketing and shady company practices. It's a modern item of e-waste, packaged with lies.





In an attempt to settle this, I got in touch with the vendor, giving evidence of the phone's fraudulent nature. They stayed uncooperative. I will certainly wage obtaining a refund since no fraudster deserves my money.





If you enjoyed this, struck the subscribe switch and check out the scam-busting playlist for even more videos like this. If you're in the market for made use of devices, see my on-line store connected in the summary.







Valued at just $123 for the 256GB design with 8GB of RAM, this phone is, of training course, not a real Samsung tool. Upon arrival, the phone came in a simple black box identified S22 Ultra. Inside, I located the phone, a lightweight S Pen that doesn't fit inside the tool, a clear instance, a spare broken iphone screen protector, a light-weight and suspicious charger, a USB-C cable television, headphones, a SIM adapter, and a handbook. Turning the phone on, I headed right to the "About Phone" area. Digging much deeper, I discovered that the phone's IMEI number matched that of a genuine Galaxy S22 Ultra, indicating they likely cloned a genuine IMEI.



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